Battle of Legends, Volume One

Medusa & Harpies

The Gorgon with the gaze that felled thousands. With her harpies at her side, you better have a defense in hand when she turns her eyes to you.

Special ability
At the start of your turn, you may deal 1 damage to an opposing fighter in Medusa's zone.
Attack: range HP: 16 Move: 3
Harpies characteristics
Harpies tokenHarpies tokenHarpies token
x Attack: melee HP: 1


Hero deck

3 x Hiss and Slither

2 x The Hounds of Mighty Zeus

3 x Clutching Claws

2 x Winged Frenzy

3 x Second Shot

3 x Snipe

3 x Feint

3 x Regroup

3 x Dash

2 x A Momentary Glance

3 x Gaze of Stone

Battle of Legends, Volume One

Meet other heroes from the set.